Holiday Market (and Brunswick Stew)
Get into the Christmas spirit with our holiday market, featuring handmade goodies from local artists and bakers starting at 8am. Take a picture with Santa from 10-12pm.
Sunday - Sunday School 9:45 AM; Worship 11:00 AM
Tuesday - Prayer Shawl Ministry 10:00 AM
Wednesday - Bible Study 6:00 PM; Choir Rehearsal 7:00 PM
Get into the Christmas spirit with our holiday market, featuring handmade goodies from local artists and bakers starting at 8am. Take a picture with Santa from 10-12pm.
Bring your beloved pets and animals for a special blessing. This event is open to all people who love animals. We will celebrate the special connection that God has made between humans and our furry friends.
Join this family-friendly event open to everyone in the community! Every child will receive a glowstick and candy.
Please contact the church if you’re interested in decorating your trunk!
Join us for a festive evening in the pumpkin patch! This is open to anyone in our community. Spend some time outdoors with a family friendly movie and delicious snacks!
We look forward to working with your child during Vacation Bible School “Camp Firelight”! Come join us Wednesday July 17 through Sunday July 21 for a great week of fun (All children are encouraged to participate in Sunday Worship performance on Sunday July 21 at 11:00am)! Every child must complete a registration form electronically or by hand to register their child for the program. If you have multiple children attending, please fill out a form per child. Every night will start at 6:30PM and end at 8:30PM, except for Sunday please come at 11:00am for worship to see the children perform followed by a hot dog luncheon and games. A small snack will be served each night! There is no cost to participate. Children Age 3 to 18 are invited! (The older youth will have class and assist with story time activities)
We look forward to working with your child during Vacation Bible School “Hero Hotline”! Come join us Wednesday July 12 through Sunday July 16 for a great week of fun (All children are encouraged to participate in Sunday Worship performance on Sunday July 16 at 11:00am)! Every child must complete a registration form electronically or by hand to register their child for the program. If you have multiple children attending, please fill out a form per child. Every night will start at 6:15PM and end at 8:15PM, except for Sunday please come at 11:00am for worship to see the children perform followed by a hot dog luncheon and games. A small snack will be served each night! There is no cost to participate. Children Age 3 to 12th Graders are invited! There will be a youth class for those 7th grade and higher to participate! (The older youth will have class and assist with story time activities)
Join us for our annual Holiday Market! This is a wonderful event to kickoff your holiday season! Expect great vendors, Santa Village, bake sale, soup lunch, and Silent Auction! Please make plans to come by our wonderful tradition!
Join us for a great family fun event! Trunks of our members cars will be decorated with fun themes and members will distribute candy! Come for a safe fun Halloween experience. Social distancing guidelines will be in place and count on a safe experience for all! Come in costume for all ages!
Please join us as we celebrate our children in their Christmas Program at HGUMC! Program begins in the sanctuary at 6:30pm, followed by a dinner and special visit from that “someone” in the fellowship hall. Please sign up by December 12th.
Please join the UMW for their annual Christmas Dinner/Party! Sign up at church by December 5th. All guests are invited to bring a “dirty santa” gift worth $15 to play!
The meeting is to authorize our Board of Trustees to speak for our church concerning the BSA plan for reorganization.
Come join us Wednesday July 14th through Saturday July 17th for a great week of fun “KNIGHTS OF NORTH CASTLE” (All children are encouraged to participate in Sunday Worship performance on Sunday July 18th at 11:00am)! Every child must complete a registration form electronically or by hand to register their child for the program. If you have multiple children attending, please fill out a form per child. Every night will start at 6:00PM and end at 8:00PM, except for Sunday please come at 11:00am for worship to see the children perform followed by a hot dog luncheon and games. A small snack will be served each night! There is no cost to participate. Children Age 2 (potty trained) to Rising 6th Grader are invited! There will be a youth bible study for those 7th grade and higher to participate!
Join us for a great family fun event! Trunks of our members cars will be decorated with fun themes and members will distribute candy! Come for a safe fun Halloween experience. Social distancing guidelines will be in place and count on a safe experience for all! Come in costume for all ages!
The entire month of October we have a wonderful Pumpkin Patch out front with many things for sale! We sell pumpkins, gourds, and other fall needs! Please stop by any day to purchase some of your fall decor needs! Hours of Operation Daily 12pm-8pm. SOCIAL DISTANCING GUIDELINES are being followed and masks are encouraged.
Please join the Guilford Missional Network all in our first on-line worship service premiering on August 30th at 7PM. Speakers are Pastor's Donna Friddle (Sandy Ridge) and Tammy Ingram (Raleigh's Crossroads) and music will be provided by Greensboro Korean Youth and Raleigh's Crossroads. Join by clicking this website https://oneinthelord.weebly.com/
This service is one of a series of three worship services that are designed to guide us to a positive way of dealing with various types of conflict in our society. We are focusing on the words of Apostle Paul, “Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.” Roman 12:21 (NIV), and by Coach Tony Dungy’s message to America.
Key phrases in Coach Dungy’s message of May 29th are: (Christians) “can’t be silent. … But we can’t go forward with judgmental, bitter spirits. We need to be proactive but do it in the spirit of trying to help make things better. And it … has to be ALL churches taking a stand and … recognize that we are not fighting against other people. We are fighting against Satan and his kingdom of spiritual darkness. In the words of the Apostle Paul, ‘Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.’ Romans 12:21.’”
You can read The Tony Dungy Message at these websites as well as on his Twitter page @TonyDungy on May 29th. https://www.4sq.church/uploads/4/5/9/5/45953545/859tony_dungy.pdf or https://noqreport.com/2020/05/29/coach-tony-dungys-message-to-america-is-the-one-we-need-to-hear-right-now/
Members, have you signed up for a time slot for directory pictures? We need everyone to have a photo taken for our new HGUMC directory March 10, 11, or 12. You can sign up here online https://booknow-lifetouch.appointment-plus.com/b71bg314/
All are invited to join us on February 8th from 6:00-8:00pm for a "Ties & Tiaras" Father/Daughter or Mother/Son dance at Hickory Grove United Methodist Church! We are asking for volunteers to help as well as snacks/drink donoations for the children's ministry event. Message us for details or sign up at church!
Join us for during our normal worship service time for a presentation of “Come Let Us Adore”, a Cantata & Drama for Christmas! All are welcome!
Are you interested in some holiday shopping, an amazing bake sale, a country breakfast or hot dog lunch, participating in an amazing Silent Auction as well as bringing your little ones to our Santa’s Village? If so, please plan to attend our Hickory Grove Holiday Market, Saturday, November 9th. Hours are 8:00 AM - 2:00 PM. *Santa’s Village is ONLY 10am-12:00pm - we wait on Santa to arrive!*
Join us for for a family friendly outdoor movie under the stars. Outdoor Movie Night featuring “How to Train Your Dragon - The Hidden World”! Event starts aroudn 6:00pm so you can grab your spot on the hill before the movie begings at sunset around 6:45! Food Truck Cherry On Top Funnels, Bites & Sticks Food Truck will be out for sweet treats!
Are your kids ready to chill out this summer? They won’t want to miss a minute at Operation Arctic, the most welcoming place around! At Operation Arctic, kids will learn about the coolest book on the planet (the Bible!) as they enjoy songs, crafts, games, goodies, and dramas. Join us on Sunday to see the children perform and have a hot dog luncheon! All children are welcome age 2 (potty trained) through rising 6th grade. There will also be a bible study for youth 7th grade and up! You must register children individually on our website www.hickorygroveumc.org
Join us for a Family Fun Night including Outdoor Movie! We will have a bounce house, face painting, and more! Starting at 8:45PM we will be showing Mary Poppins Returns on the big screen outside! Bring a blanket and chairs!
All women of the church are invited to come to the Mothers, Daughters & Others brunch! It will be at Hickory Grove UMC in the fellowship hall. There is a signup sheet at church in the narthex, but all are welcome!
Bring your lovable pet to get a blessing at the annual BLESSING OF THE ANIMALS SERVICE! This is a free event - fun activities, vendors, ceremony, and fellowship! All pets must be on a leash and have been updated with all vaccinations. Everyone must clean up after their animal.
Come enjoy a FREE outdoor movie night with Hickory Grove UMC! We are featuring the new film "COCO" which is a family friendly film! Porterhouse Burger Food Truck will be there serving food! Bring a blanket/chair and your family & friends!
Come one, come all! Hickory Grove is hosting their annual FAMILY FUN NIGHT on August 24th from 6-8pm - free and all are invited - bounce house, Taqueria el Torito Food Truck, Mike & Mike's Italian Ices Truck, Macon's Martial Arts with Balloon Animals, Face Painting, and more! After event, starting at sunset we will also have a FREE OUTDOOR MOVIE featuring "Wonder" featuring Julia Roberts & Owen Wilson. Bring a chair/blanket and family! Movie should last until about 10pm!
We look forward to working with your child during Vacation Bible School! Come join us Sunday July 15th through Thursday July 19th for a great week of river fun! Every child must complete a registration form electronically or by hand to register their child for the program. If you have multiple children attending, please fill out a form per child. Every night will start at 6:15PM and end at 8:15PM. A small snack will be served each night and a closing cookout will occur on Thursday evening. We encourage all children to come back for Sunday worship service (11:00 AM) on July 22nd to show our congregation their great work and what they learned the week before. There is no cost to participate. Children Age 2 to Rising 6th Grader are invited! All children must register: https://www.hickorygroveumc.org/vacation-bible-school/
Join us during our normal worship service for a performance by the Trinity Quartet.
Come by and purchase the sweetest baked goods and call ahead to order our delicious Brunswick Stew! Pick up between 1:00 and 3:00. Call 336-299-8361 to place your order! You must have an order to get brunswick stew.
Join us for a FREE Christmas production of "A St. John's Christmas Carol"! This is a modern twist on the Ebenezer Scrooge tale that you don't want to miss! Two performance options - Friday & Sunday!